Welcome to 'The Gothic Heart' with your host, Amity Alexandra. As a former courtroom attorney who embraced her gothic style rather than conforming to societal norms, Amity invites listeners to celebrate their unique selves and express their personal style fearlessly. Join us for candid conversations on love, relationships, and embracing individuality, including stories from Amity's own 'Hallowedding'—a cherished day still celebrated after 13 years. From fashion tips to navigating everyday life, this podcast is your go-to destination for affirming that being true to yourself is the ultimate form of empowerment. Cozy up, sip your favorite drink, and let's explore the beauty of living and loving authentically. Share the love and leave a review—let's spread the message together that authenticity is the key to a fulfilling life.

Horror Inspired Wearable Art with Twisted Vixen

Horror Inspired Wearable Art with Twisted Vixen

Today, we’re diving into the fascinating world of alternative style and creativity with the fabulous Cassandra, the brains and talent behind One Twisted Vixen. She's not just making jewelry; she’s...

Horror Inspired Wearable Art with Twisted Vixen

Today, we’re diving into the fascinating world of alternative style and creativity with the fabulous Cassandra, the brains and talent behind One Twisted Vixen. She's not just making jewelry; she’s...

Do You Like Who You Are?

Do You Like Who You Are?

Hey there, friends! Welcome back to The Gothic Heart, where today we're diving into a question that's been on my mind a lot lately: Do you like who you are?...

Do You Like Who You Are?

Hey there, friends! Welcome back to The Gothic Heart, where today we're diving into a question that's been on my mind a lot lately: Do you like who you are?...

My Hallowedding: A Night to Remember

My Hallowedding: A Night to Remember

Planning a wedding is a monumental task, but planning a Halloween-themed wedding on a haunted ship? Now that's a whole different ballgame. In this episode of The Gothic Heart, I...

My Hallowedding: A Night to Remember

Planning a wedding is a monumental task, but planning a Halloween-themed wedding on a haunted ship? Now that's a whole different ballgame. In this episode of The Gothic Heart, I...

Logo for The Gothic Heart Podcast, with 'Episode 2: Unapologetically You' overlayed on the image

Unapologetically You: Navigating Self-Expressio...

Today's episode is all about how to be unapologetically you, even when society wants you to fit into its neat little boxes. This topic is super close to my heart...

Unapologetically You: Navigating Self-Expressio...

Today's episode is all about how to be unapologetically you, even when society wants you to fit into its neat little boxes. This topic is super close to my heart...

My Story

My Story

Hey there, welcome to the very first episode of The Gothic Heart! I'm so pumped to dive into all things gothic and alternative with you. We're talking fashion, decor, music—everything...

My Story

Hey there, welcome to the very first episode of The Gothic Heart! I'm so pumped to dive into all things gothic and alternative with you. We're talking fashion, decor, music—everything...